Saturday, August 8, 2009

Addicted all over again

Just when I thought I'd conquered my addiction, it's happening all over again. I'm back to watching HGTV and DIY every time the TV is on. I'm jealous of the brute force the workers exude. I'd like to be able to move large rocks around my yard. I'm jealous of the extra hands. Who wouldn't want 10 friends to show up one Saturday morning and split the work of improving your house with 10 professionals?

Maybe I've returned to my old ways because my husband and I are putting our house on the market. And although our neighbors sold their house quickly, I'm holding my breath to see if we receive the same good fortune. We've been performing various repairs and duties to get the house just right. Cleaned out the clutter, washed windows, polished brass, touched up trim. We even had another sump pump installed in the basement. We try to keep the house spotless, the yard trimmed, and everything organized and immaculate. But I have to ask myself -- why didn't we do this for ourselves? We are going through this much effort for people we've never even met.

I'm trying to approach this from a positive standpoint. We're moving to a much (much!) smaller house in NC. And I'm going to attempt to keep that house as organized and clean as if we were selling it. I doubt I'll succeed 100%. My husband and I are not neat people. We're not organized by nature either. But if I approach it from the viewpoint "what if we were putting this on the market tomorrow," maybe (just maybe), I can stop mainlining do-it-yourself television and learn to enjoy my petite domicile.

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